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Come out of Egypt that is within you

article title SUBJECT MATTER OF THE ARTICLE TIME OF EVENTS publication date last editED
1 Chronology of the Fathers The exact dates of events from the birth of the forefather Abraham to the end of the Exodus. 20th – 12th cent. BC 2017-10-11 2018-02-24
2 The Very First World War On the world population in times of forefathers. 19th cent. BC 2018-10-27  2018-10-27
3 The Fear of Isaac Why did the forefather Abraham not slaughter Isaac? 19th cent. BC 2019-03-23  2020-03-14
4 They are Us Arameans and Hebrews are one and the same people 19th – 8th cent. BC 2019-06-15 2019-06-15
5 The Enemy Never Sleeps The legend of the birth of Amalek  17th cent. BC 2020-01-12 2020-01-12
6 The Beginning of the Iron Age Where did the Iron Age begin? 18th cent. BC 2020-12-20 2020-12-20
7 Who are You, Pharaoh? What led the forefather Abraham to Canaan. About the roots of the Egyptian pharaoh. 20th – 16th cent. BC 2018-03-04 2020-12-29
8 Exodus: Behind the Scenes The Jews in Egypt. Emigration to the Aegean Sea Region. The Danais and the Achaeans. The Exodus. Reunion on the Promised Land. 17th – 12th cent. BC 2016-02-06 2018-05-12
9 And They Made Their Lives Bitter, … When, how, and why did the Egyptian slavery begin? 13th century BC 2016-06-12 2016-06-12
10 About the Nature of Laws and the Laws of Nature Why the Jews? The answer is here. 12th cent. BC 2016-10-16 2016-10-16
11 Ten Commandments So they looked on the Tablets of the Covenant 12th cent. BC 2018-03-27 2018-03-27
12 Numbers How many Jews came out of Egypt? 12th – 10th cent. BC 2016-02-11 2017-10-21
13 Nonexistent History Creators On Prometheus and Dorian Tribes. 12th – 8th cent. BC 2018-04-06 2018-04-06
14 Where is Hercules Buried? David killed Goliath not far from the tomb of Hercules 11th cent. BC 2016-12-31 2017-01-20
15 Full Circle What happened to the 10 lost tribes? The birth of Ancient Greece. 12th – 8th cent. BC 2017-10-14 2019-05-18
16 Ev and Kiev – History Repeats Itself On alternative temples in Judaism and the birth of the city of Kiev (Ukraine). 8th cent. BC – 8th cent. AD 2016-08-20 2021-11-06
17 Why does Europe write left-to-right? Here is the answer. 13th – 4th cent. BC 2015-07-11 2018-04-07
18 Alexander the Great – him too? On the Jewish roots of Alexander the Great. 356 – 323 BC 2015-03-14 2015-03-14
19 20,000 Righteous of Sword Hanukkah – why do we light 8 candles? Another point of view. 167 – 160 BC 2015-02-14 2015-02-14
20 The Blood Brothers The Jewish-Spartan correspondence about the origin of the Spartans. 300 – 165 BC 2016-05-21 2016-05-21
21 The Golden Triangle Seven of the first kings of Rome were Jews. Why did Hannibal attack Rome from the north through the Alps? 8d – 2nd cent. BC in draft
22 The Road to … is paved with Incense The rise of Islam, the disappearance of Edom, the very first Christians. 2nd cent. BC – 7nd cent. 2021-05-17  2021-11-13
23 The Mother of Rus’ Cities About the role of Jews in the creation of the first Russian state. 10nd cent in draft
24 Oil, Balfour and Jews On the issue and failure of the Balfour Declaration 1905 – 1948 2021-12-29 2021-12-29
25 About Love What is Love and where to look for it? always 2015 2015
26 About Love (continuation) On the kind of Love that we sorely lack. always 2016 2016
article title SUBJECT MATTER OF THE ARTICLE TIME OF EVENTS publication date last editED

Come out of Egypt that is within you